Privacy policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to clarify how the data provided by our customers is protected, providing information on how this information is collected, under what conditions it may be shared and how it can be used. 

1. Which data can be collected?

Data provided by our users may be collected through three sources; being:

  1. Personal data expressly provided by the user: personal data expressly provided by the user: this data may be provided when you contract our services, visit our sales stands or enterprises or contact us for more information about our services. This data may include:

    • Name, marital status, profession, nationality, telephone, email, date of birth, income, CPF, RG, passport, employment, full address and account credentials such as username and password.

  2. Data automatically collected: this data is automatically collected by the “cookies” tool when you access the Client Area, for example. This data may include:

    • Data from your access device (such as IP address, operating system, geolocation and device's identifier) and activities on the Services (such as information about clicks and accessed pages, search terms, date and time associated with your use, viewed and downloaded files).

  3. Data collected from other sources: refers to personal data that may be collected from other sources, such as public databases, public profiles on social media, or interactions with our social media.

GRUPO UNIO does not collect sensitive data from its customers. If there is a need to request any type of sensitive data, we will take the necessary measures based on the hypotheses described in the General Data Protection Law.


2. How we use your data?

Your data may be used for the following purposes:

If you no longer wish to receive GRUPO UNIO advertising newsletters, request to unsubscribe from your e-mail address or contact us expressing your wish.


3. Who can we share your data with?

Your data may be shared with third parties, such as:


4. For how long can your data be stored?

All your data will be deleted by GRUPO UNIO when they are no longer useful for the purposes described above and when they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of any legal obligation.


5. What are your rights regarding data privacy?

You have rights regarding the process of your data, including:

To exercise any of your rights, please contact us via email at


6. How can I keep my data security protected?

Although GRUPO UNIO uses security protocols to guarantee your privacy, individual protection measures are necessary. The main security measure you can take concerning your data accessing exclusive areas of the app is not to share it with third parties. When registering on public computers, make sure you have logged out to prevent others from having access to your information.